Sunday, October 28, 2012

Net Only #M for the 14' BOUNCE PRO Enclosure Model #1463A Reviews

Net Only #M for the 14' BOUNCE PRO Enclosure Model #1463A Reviews
Most popular product on : Net Only #M for the 14' BOUNCE PRO Enclosure Model #1463A,net only poles not included heavy duty

Net Only #M for the 14' BOUNCE PRO Enclosure Model #1463A
Product Description : Net Only #M for the 14' BOUNCE PRO Enclosure Model #1463A Specifications: Net for enclosure (Net Only) #M in your enclosure manual, this is the netting that hangs on your poles.(Trampoline not included) This net is brown in color. This net requires the lower cord to weave in and out of the v-rings to secure net to the trampoline. This net does NOT have the clips at the bottom. This replacement net is much better than the original one that shipped with my bounce pro TR-14-63A . The bottom clips in instead of having to be sewn in which makes wintering a much MUCH easier process. Total time to replace net was under 30 minutes done by myself. Good stuff. A WIND STORM TORE MY SONS OFF HIS TRAMPLINE WE BOUGHT ALMOST TWO YEARS AGO. I NO LONGER KNEW THE BRAND OR ANYTHING IDENTIFYING LIKE THAT OTHER THAN IT WAS A 14 FT 3 LOOP TRAMPOLINE. THE NET WENT ON IN 15 MINUTES WITH NO TOOLS. A BREEZE TO PUT UP WITHOUT ANY HELP AND HAS BEEN UP WITH A TOTAL OF FIVE KIDS JUMPING INTO IT, POKING AT IT, AND NOTHING NO FRAYING, NO SPLITTING, JUST AWESOME. GREAT PRICE TOO. My family purchased the wal-mart trampoline years ago... with daily use from our kids and neighbors kids... the net that came with the trampoline was 'toast'. I tried to string it up with bungee cords and do my best patch job, but after a while it became a safety hazard. Decided it was time to break down and buy a new one... after doing my research decided on this net. The 'sleeves' that go over the top bars make so much more sense than the straps that came with it. Instead of having to weave the bottom of the net in and out with a string, this one just clips on every other spring or so... GREAT NET at a GREAT PRICE! What you see in the picture is what you get! A side tip: if your bar covers ripped like mine did a trip to your local hardware store is all it takes. Get some Pipe insulators and use some electrical tape to secure and you have a new trampoline!

Buy new Customer Rating: 5.0
Customer tags: Sports, Outdoors

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